How often should I send out my email newsletter?
Surprisingly, sending out an email newsletter once a year or randomly throughout the year will likely cause more unsubscribes than if you are sending out more regularly. We are all creatures of habit and routine, so much that we crave it. We look forward to receiving content in our inbox, but only if the content is helpful and intriguing and showing up to the right crowd. If your content, graphics and overall plan is on point it will get your viewers excited. Don’t get discouraged if you start to see unsubscribes. These people are simply not the right crowd. Keep at it and the right crowd will grow and stick around.
The amount of times per month you send your email newsletter depends on a few things; your industry, your content and your audience. Sending out daily newsletters would be great for industries that change on the daily, like the stock market but it can be overkill for most industries. The sweet spot for most industries is no more than twice a week and no less than once a month. The best open rates are on Mondays. The worst days to send out your campaign are on the weekend. The best time to send out your campaign is around 3:00pm.

What should my email newsletter include?
Think about email newsletters you receive often. I’m sure you receive many. But the one that’s popping in your head right now is the one to go back and really analyze. What stands out from it? What keeps you from not scrolling down to find that unsubscribe link? The most important aspects that you should include in your newsletter are readability, clear calls to action, user-friendly, maintains a story-telling value, attractive design, and bonus points if you can add in a special offer. Your content needs to be engaging to your customer or potential customer. Make sure you are keeping your brand on point when sending out newsletters. If they click a link within your newsletter to find out your website looks nothing like your newsletter design they may be subconsciously confused and turn away. Keep similar color schemes, fonts, and style of communication flowing from your newsletter to your website and you may be more likely to continue to grow your email list.